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Our mission IS TO PROVIDE LIFE-SAVING congenital HEART defect SURGERY TO CHILDREN FROM AROUND THE WORLD where specialized medical treatment is either scarce or nonexistent

HeartGift is a nonprofit organization that provides life-saving congenital heart defect surgery to children worldwide. Established in 2000, HeartGift began its work in Austin, Texas, and now has chapters in multiple cities, and provides surgeries in the United States, Africa, Asia, and South America. Through partnerships with children’s hospitals around the globe and thanks to generous sponsors, more than 1,000 children from 36 countries have received life-saving care at no cost to their families.

“You can give the gift of life and help provide critical heart surgery for these children by donating your time and money.”

– Reese Ryan, Former Foundation Board Chair

Blessing, Uganda

Learn more about the children’s lives we are impacting.

Refer your child to HeartGift.

Provide a life-saving heart surgery.

Mission Impact

HeartGift provides life-saving heart surgeries to children from around the world where specialized medical treatment is either scarce or nonexistent. One million children are born with congenital heart defects each year, and only 10% have access to appropriate medical care.


In industrialized countries such as the United States, the corrective surgery is accessible and provided to those in need, regardless of financial capacity or geographic location. In 2000, HeartGift was founded to address this disparity of care and since its inception, has served more than 1,000 children from 36 countries, with chapters in Austin, San Antonio, New Orleans and Houston, and partnerships around the globe.


Our medical partners are our most valuable asset. We are grateful to each one who donates their time and services to the HeartGift mission. Find out more about our partners’ work.

“You can give the gift of life and help provide critical heart surgery for these children by donating your time and money. HeartGift exists because of theses passionate volunteers, and with your support we will continue to save lives of these children.”

– Maryann Bell, Foundation Board Member

Stephen Garrison

Stephen Garrison

Board Chair
Tim Brierty

Tim Brierty

Vice Chair
Bryan Burkhart

Bryan Burkhart

Jeff Woodham

Jeff Woodham

We Need Your Help

One gift, your gift, will make an exponential impact on the life of a child.

Find out how you can help us save lives

With your support we will continue to save precious lives, one HeartGift at a time.

Umaakhan, Mongolia

Peter Pincoffs
Peter Pincoffs
Foundation Board Member

“I’m involved because HeartGift has provided life saving surgeries to children from outside the U.S. in need by an outstanding group of health care professionals and hospitals within our network, and the dedicated effort of the founders, Dr. John “Chip” Oswalt and Ray Wilkerson, and the many others over the years to make this program a great success.”

Christy Casey-Moore
Christy Casey-Moore
Chief Executive Officer

“Most of these children would not survive past their first birthday without medical intervention. Consistently, not only do we see an improved life for the child but also the parents and caregivers of these children. In some instances, these parents will travel 10+ hours a day/ 2 times a week seeking medical treatment. But not having these burdens of seeking care, it allows parents to focus on caring for their children’s lives in a normal manner. It allows the children to go to school, it allows the parents to work full-time and/ or even enter school themselves.”