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HeartGift Volunteer Page

Make an Impact Today

It’s been said that nothing is as strong as the heart of a volunteer! Our volunteers are truly the heartbeat of our organization, without which our children would have very different experiences when they come to the United States, and our mission would be much harder to accomplish.  If you’d like to volunteer, send us a note at the bottom of this page to let us know you’re interested.  One of our staff will be in touch shortly.  We can’t wait to meet you!

Host Family

Becoming a host family is the best way to get up close and personal with our mission! Our host families open their homes to our children and their caregivers, and have the opportunity to see first-hand the impact that surgery has on the child and family. By engaging their friends, family members, coworkers or classmates it allows a true community of supporters to see how “a village” can save a child’s life.

Host families welcome our HeartGift recipients, their caregivers, and sometimes an interpreter into their home to live during their stay in the United States. In general, our guests stay for 4-6 weeks, and host families help get them to and from all medical appointments, provide a safe and clean room inside their home for our guests, provide all meals for the child and travel companions throughout their stay.

Many families host to first help a child in need, but also to teach their own children that giving is not always in the form of money. They are raising future philanthropists and volunteers and want their children to learn about helping those less fortunate. Host families are needed several times throughout the year in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and New Orleans. Training and more details are available if you are interested in learning more about hosting a HeartGift child.

Welcoming/Send-Off Committee

We love a great party! When our families arrive at a chapter location airport, help us welcome them to the United States.  For most, this is their first time ever on an airplane, and definitely their first time visiting our great country. We want them to feel welcome and experience the loving hospitality that our volunteers provide!

Equally exciting is when our children get to travel back home post-surgery! Our families come to the United States full of hope that HeartGift will be the answer to their child’s heart condition. Although we’re always sad to see them go, a send-off party is the celebration of answered prayers, hope fulfilled, and sending a child home to live a life with no limits! Bring your tissues….there might be a few tears too!

Event Volunteer

There are tons of ways to get involved with our events!  Galas, golf tournaments, skeet shoots, wine parties, cornhole tournaments…we have a lot of fun around here while raising money for our very important mission! Shoot us a note about volunteering as an individual or getting your company involved.  We’d love to have you!


Do you speak multiple languages?  We’d love to talk to you!  At HeartGift, we serve children from all around the world, and understandably, many do not speak English. While many of our families come to the United States with their own interpreter, sometimes that is not an option.  Interpreters and translators who would like to volunteer could be very helpful. Shoot us a note and tell us about you! We’d love to meet you!

Send us a message using the form below or call our office at (512) 330-4988